Senin, 24 Agustus 2015

Shark Bento

Watch out! Shark attack!
I am so excited to share my review of the lastest bento book out there: Happy Bento!: Lunches on the Go with you today!

First off, Let me start by saying I am SO proud of Anna of Becoming a Bentoholic! Her book, Happy Bento!: Lunches on the Go, just came out and it is fantastic! There are 50 different bentos, tons of large photos, step by step instructions, and tutorials jammed pack in this small book (I LOVE the size!). There are many wonderful and healthy ideas to give you lunch inspiration! It is a great source if you are looking for school lunch ideas and to add variety to your lunch packing routine. 

My favorite chapter is of course the FUN bentos. I am all about making fun and creative food! I couldn't wait to recreate some of these fun lunches so I had Eliana go through and pick one. We ended up picking the shark bento, which we both loved.
In this shark bento, inspired by Happy Bento!, Eliana has goldfish crackers, homegrown cherry tomatoes (in a silicone cup) and a shark sandwich swimming in a sea of blueberries. The sandwich was ham and cheese, and I used a mini chocolate chip for his eye.

We were really happy with how he turned out! The step by step instructions and photo tutorial really helped and I was able to make him so quickly! Photo tutorials are always such a big help for me. This took about ten minutes (including interruptions from the kiddos and washing the fruit!) Eliana LOVED the Shark bento and was already figuring out what we should make next :)

The great thing about Happy Bento is that even if you don't have everything exactly the same you can still make the lunch and use it as a source of inspiration.  I don't have a lot of the exact cutters, punches, or silicone cups that were used in some of the bentos, but I can easily recreate the lunches using what I have at home.

All in all, this is a great source of bento inspiration! SO happy for you Anna-- Happy Bento! is a wonderful book and an amazing accomplishment! Congratulations on your first book!

*Disclosure: this post contains affiliate links*
**Disclosure:  I was sent this book for the purpose of this review.  As always, all opinions expressed in this post are my own**
Linking up here :)

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