Kamis, 17 April 2014

Easter Egg Hunt Lunch

An Easter Egg Hunt for lunch! A FUN food idea for Easter!
Lately, especially this past week (well and since Sammy was born lol), Eliana's school lunches have been on the plain side. Don't get me wrong-- I'm not upset at all about "plain" lunches! I'm happy to feed her fresh, healthy and good food for lunch every day :) However, both of us miss the special fun lunches I used to make more often.  So because today is Eliana's last day of school before break I decided to make her an extra special and fun lunch! 

And what could be more fun than an Easter egg hunt during lunch?! (well.. hopefully this goes well.. and is fun... if not-- I apologize in advance to the lunch monitors haha)

First I filled her yubo lunchbox with fake Easter basket grass. Then I took some plastic eggs (I washed and dried them) and filled them with food for her lunch. Inside she has a chocolate soy butter sandwich (cut with a FunBites square cutter so they fit inside the eggs), blackberries, goldfish, a cut up cheese stick, dried cranberries and some teddy graham crackers. I also used the yubo drink holder and attached her Thermos to the side of the lunchbox.  This is seriously the easiest lunch to put together!

You could fill your eggs with anything, but I would suggest to stay with dry smaller foods.  Other great fun food fillers would be pretzels, grapes, cherry tomatoes, raisins, any dried fruit, nuts (for those of you without nut allergies), baby carrots, celery sticks etc. I just wouldn't pack anything that could leak :) I would also make sure you thoroughly dry your washed fruits and veggies to make sure no water leaks through.
I believe I put 9 eggs in her lunch but there were room for more if you packed it tighter. If your child has a bigger appetite than my very talkative slow eater you could always do this for half of the lunch and then use one of the yubo containers to hold bigger food items :)

Eliana was SO excited to bring this lunch that on the way to school she told me she wished it was lunchtime NOW (at 8:00 am) so that she could eat it :) 

I hope you all have a wonderful Easter weekend!

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Linking up here :)

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Jumat, 14 Maret 2014

Birthday Bento School Lunch!

Happy 6th Birthday Eliana!
Today is Eliana's 6th birthday! I cannot believe she is SIX!

She has school today so I made her this fun lunch!  I made a birthday lunch for her birthday last year and she asked for her lunch this year to be similar to that lunch, but with a cupcake instead. 

I packed her strawberries (her favorite fruit!), yogurt, and a wowbutter with mini chocolate chip cupcake sandwich.  I "glued" everything with honey.. not sure it will all stick together as well because of all the little pieces but I know she'll love it!

 Wishing you a wonderful birthday Eliana! I LOVE you!

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Linking up here :)

For more Creative Fun Food stay connected!

Kamis, 13 Maret 2014

Simple St. Patrick's Day School Lunches

Like I've said before, I LOVE the month of March. Eliana's birthday, the beginning of spring, St. Patrick's day and the color green!  St. Patrick's Day is always one of my favorite holidays to make fun lunches and this year is no different! While I might be a lot more tired this year, due to my adorable almost 3 month old :), I still enjoy making Eliana's lunches fun. However I can't always spend time making them intricate, so I have gone with simple fun ideas that I can put together quickly the night before.

All of Eliana's lunches this week were quick to put together -- 15 minutes or less for each lunch. And that is including washing and cutting of fruits and vegetables, and at least one interruption ;)  I took all these pictures with my phone, literally the moment before I put it into Eliana's lunch bag, pack her backpack and we are out the door! If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen I shared these lunches throughout the week :)


On Monday Eliana had green grapes with a clover bento pick, cucumbers, a shamrock sandwich filled with wowbutter and Enjoy Life Foods mini chocolate chips and dried cranberries (in the small green container) packed in her EasyLunchbox.

I gave her clover cucumbers all week because 1) I had a huge cucumber in the fridge, 2) Eliana loves cucumber, and 3) it is a great fun way to get rid of the peel while making a fun shape :)


For Tuesday's school lunch she had cucumbers, cut up cheese sticks with two clover bento picks, goldfish in a mini dipper and a chocolate soy butter sandwich with a shamrock cut out.  The bread shamrock cut out was eaten by me.. usually I leave it in the lunch but I was hungry when I was putting her lunch together ;)


On Wednesday Eliana had green grapes, cucumbers, Lucky Charms cereal, cheese, and crackers, all packed in her EasyLunchboxes :)  I only buy Lucky Charms cereal once a year, for right around St. Patrick's day. We barely eat one fourth of the box and then it gets forgotten in the back of the cabinet LOL. But I just have to get it! It is just a fun cereal and treat for this time of year and I know Eliana always looks forward to it! 


For Thursday's lunch Eliana had cucumbers, Granny Smith apple slices (with the core cut out with a shamrock cutter), and a Leprechaun sandwich. The Leprechaun is a wowbutter and mini chocolate chip sandwich decorated with cheese and Enjoy Life Foods mini chocolate chip eyes.  The hat I cut out of a spinach tortilla and added cheese decorations.  I "glued" the pieces together with honey.  The Leprechaun has some Lucky charms cereal hidden in the small green container :)

Last year I made some fun and simple St. Patrick's Day lunches too! You can see them HERE :)

Friday, today, is Eliana's birthday! So no St. Patrick's day lunch. It will be a fun birthday lunch instead! I can't believe my baby is SIX years old!! :)

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Linking up here :)
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Sabtu, 01 Maret 2014

Family Fun Magazine! leprechaun hats

Happy March 1st everyone!! 

March is one of my favorite months for many reasons.. Eliana's birthday is in March (her due date was St. Patrick's Day so we end up enjoying that fun holiday too), Spring starts in March so we can say goodbye (and good riddance to winter), and now I am so excited to tell you that Family Fun Magazine asked me if they could feature my Leprechaun hats snack idea in an their March 2014 magazine!!! The month of March is a good one I tell you :D

When Family Fun first asked me if they could feature my idea I of course said YES YES YES!!! (after jumping up and down a million times and doing a happy dance!) I made these leprechaun hat snacks last year for Eliana and she absolutely loved them. I'm so happy that they were such a hit! AND they are even mentioned on the front cover of the magazine!! Somebody PINCH me!!

You can find the leprechaun hat snacks on page 30 in the March 2014 issue (or in the "Play: healthy family" section in the digital copy)!!!!

And of course if you want to see my post and tutorial for them please click HERE!! :)

p.s. Thank you for all the emails and IG comments congratulating me and asking how Samantha and I are doing! :) We are great! It's crazy how much she has grown and changed in only two months. I feel blessed to be able to watch her grow.  And while I am trying to keep up with the blog I have found it more important to spend time with her and Eliana rather than posting regularly these past 2 months.  I hope to be back soon as Samantha has been getting into a great routine and I feel much more rested.  I still make fun lunches for Eliana every day (and try to post them to Instagram when I remember to take a picture lol) but I look forward to making some more fun food creations and sharing with you all soon!  ♥ Michelle

p.p.s. Please excuse the amount of exclamation points in this post. I seriously cannot contain my excitement!!!!!!!!!!! hehe :)