Kamis, 05 Desember 2013

Santa Belts

Santa Belts: A Simple Healthy Christmas themed snack!
There are LESS than three weeks til Christmas!  It seems so quick this year! I made this simple snack for Eliana yesterday and she loved them! They are so simple to make too :) And yes. I know the obvious. Santa's belt is black, but since Eliana and I don't like olives and I didn't want to color the cheese with food dye his belt became white :)

To make these Santa Belt Snacks you will need:
Round Crackers (I used Ritz Crackers)
White Cheese (I used Provolone)
Cheddar Cheese
Small square cutter
circle cutter
A knife
1. Take all your ingredients and lay them out.
2. With your circle cutter cut as many pieces of cheese that you need.
3. with your square cutter cut an equal amount of cheddar cheese squares.
4. With a knife cut some strips of cheese for the belt.  (I just eyeballed it, no need to be perfect!)
5. Now you are ready to assemble your Santa Belt Snacks!
To assemble: You will start with the cracker on the bottom, followed by a layer of cheese. (I chose to cut this layer of cheese with a circle cutter, but you could easily just put any strip of cheese underneath.) Top the cheese with the pepperoni and then you can add the belt decorations.  Add the cheese belt and buckle and they are ready to be eaten! If you really want to "glue" the pieces for transportation you can do so with a dab of cream cheese.  Tip: These Santa Belt Snacks also taste yummy heated up! :)

And that's it! So simple and easy to make! :) 

p.s. I've also been notified that they resemble pokemon balls.... whatever works to get your little ones to eat a healthy snack! If they want pokemon fun food snacks-- then this works too! :)

What healthy snacks will you be making for Christmas?
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