Senin, 15 Juli 2013

FunBites Giraffe.. or Dinosaur :)

FunBites Giraffe... or Dinosaur... :)
FunBites was gracious enough to send us their new product: FunBites Triangles to try out! Playing around with it I made Eliana this FunBites Giraffe!...or at least that is what I intended it to be! ;)
The FunBites Triangles cuts your food into 10 small triangles. Two of the triangles are slightly larger than the rest and you can rearrange them into lots of fun shapes for fun food.

Using our new FunBites Triangles I cut up Eliana's soynutbuttersandwich into lots of small triangles. I formed them into a Giraffe. I added a yellow bell pepper sun, celery stick "tree", matchstick carrot "flower" and sliced cucumber for the ground. It was super simple to make and Eliana loved it! ...well besides the fact that she didn't see it as a giraffe...she clearly thought it was a dinosaur but that's okay :)

Overall the FunBites Triangles work great, as do all the FunBites cutters. They cut fruit, veggies, sandwiches, etc into small pieces. Personally I still prefer the Cube it. For me I like simple, and the triangle shapes didn't seem to come very simple for me! And clearly my giraffe looked like a dinosaur ;) However there is the potential to make lots of fun shapes with the cutter!

Linking up here :)

**Disclosure: FunBites sent me their new FunBites Triangles for the purpose of this review.  As always all opinions expressed in this post are my own**

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