Like I've said before, I LOVE the month of March. Eliana's birthday, the beginning of spring, St. Patrick's day and the color green! St. Patrick's Day is always one of my favorite holidays to make fun lunches and this year is no different! While I might be a lot more tired this year, due to my adorable almost 3 month old :), I still enjoy making Eliana's lunches fun. However I can't always spend time making them intricate, so I have gone with simple fun ideas that I can put together quickly the night before.
All of Eliana's lunches this week were quick to put together -- 15 minutes or less for each lunch. And that is including washing and cutting of fruits and vegetables, and at least one interruption ;) I took all these pictures with my phone, literally the moment before I put it into Eliana's lunch bag
, pack her backpack and we are out the door! If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen I shared these lunches throughout the week :)
On Monday Eliana had green grapes with a clover bento pick, cucumbers, a shamrock sandwich filled with wowbutter and Enjoy Life Foods mini chocolate chips and dried cranberries (in the small green container) packed in her EasyLunchbox.
I gave her clover cucumbers all week because 1) I had a huge cucumber in the fridge, 2) Eliana loves cucumber, and 3) it is a great fun way to get rid of the peel while making a fun shape :)
For Tuesday's school lunch she had cucumbers, cut up cheese sticks with two clover bento picks, goldfish in a mini dipper and a chocolate soy butter sandwich with a shamrock cut out. The bread shamrock cut out was eaten by me.. usually I leave it in the lunch but I was hungry when I was putting her lunch together ;)
On Wednesday Eliana had green grapes, cucumbers, Lucky Charms cereal, cheese, and crackers, all packed in her EasyLunchboxes :) I only buy Lucky Charms cereal once a year, for right around St. Patrick's day. We barely eat one fourth of the box and then it gets forgotten in the back of the cabinet LOL. But I just have to get it! It is just a fun cereal and treat for this time of year and I know Eliana always looks forward to it!
For Thursday's lunch Eliana had cucumbers, Granny Smith apple slices (with the core cut out with a shamrock cutter), and a Leprechaun sandwich. The Leprechaun is a wowbutter and mini chocolate chip sandwich decorated with cheese and Enjoy Life Foods mini chocolate chip eyes. The hat I cut out of a spinach tortilla and added cheese decorations. I "glued" the pieces together with honey. The Leprechaun has some Lucky charms cereal hidden in the small green container :)
Last year I made some fun and simple St. Patrick's Day lunches too! You can see them HERE :)
Friday, today, is Eliana's birthday! So no St. Patrick's day lunch. It will be a fun birthday lunch instead! I can't believe my baby is SIX years old!! :)
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